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Hennie Bekker Collection 1989-2010 新世紀自然放鬆 (55CD合成一片DVD)MP3音樂 DVD版 --=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
軟體名稱: Hennie Bekker Collection 1989-2010 新世紀自然放鬆
語文版本: MP3音樂 DVD版
光碟片數: 單片裝 (單面DVD)
音質取樣: 320Kbps/44Khz
檔案格式: MP3
硬體需求: PC/Power PC
軟體類型: MP3音樂
更新日期: 2014.08.25
唱片簡介: (以官方網站為準)

Hennie Bekker - Collection (55 Albums) (1989-2010)
| MP3/160-320Kbps | 6.13 GB | Label: Abbeywood Records, Solitudes |
| New Age/Nature/Classical/Ambient/Piano | Instrumental | 1989-2010 |

Hennie Bekker is a Juno nominated Canadian composer, arranger, producer and keyboardist based in Toronto, Canada. His career has run the spectrum from jazz fusion and film scoring to New Age and techno. A Juno Award winner for his work with techno-driven trio BKS, Bekker also helped pioneer melding soft melodies with the nature-driven environmental recordings of Dan Gibson, founder of Solitudes.

Bekker composed, arranged (in the case of the public domain classical works), and performed the music on the first 14 albums in the Dan Gibsons Solitudes - Exploring Nature With Music series, including the 1989 best-selling, quadruple-platinum Harmony. Named “one of the most prolific and successful figures in contemporary Canadian pop music” by Billboard and well into his sixth decade of musical recording, Bekker has issued over 60 albums – the most recent on his own Toronto, Ontario-based Abbeywood Records – and is still prolific, recording and issuing an average of one to two projects a year. (Wikipedia)
1994 - Butterfly Dance [160 Kbps]
1994 - Cristmas Spirit [160 Kbps]
1996 - Classics By the Sea with Steel Pan [320 Kbps]
1998 - Mirage [320 Kbps]
1999 - Dreaming [320 Kbps]
1999 - Spa [256 Kbps]
2000 - Meditation [256 Kbps]
2001 - Salama [VBR Kbps]
2001 - Velvet Nights [256 Kbps]
2004 - Music To Promote Sleep [192 Kbps]
2010 - Moving On [320 Kbps]
2011 - Spectrum ~ (320)

African Tapestries Series
1997 - The Smoke That Thunders [320 Kbps]
1998 - Jabula [320 Kbps]
1998 - Temba [320 Kbps]
1999 - Kusasa [320 Kbps]
2009 - Amani [320 Kbps]

Classical Tapestries Series
1995 - The Four Seasons - Vivaldi [320 Kbps]
2005 - Relaxing Pachelbel [320 Kbps]

Kaleidoscopes Series
1992 - Spring Rain [320 Kbps]
1993 - Summer Breeze [320 Kbps]
1996 - Autumn Magic [320 Kbps]
1996 - Winter Reflections [256 Kbps]

Solitudes Series
1989 - Harmony [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1990 - Breaking Through the Mist [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1990 - Pacific Suite [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1991 - Great Lakes Suite [VBR Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1991 - The Classics [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1992 - Algonquin Suite [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1992 - The Classics II [192 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1994 - Appalachian Mountain Suite [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1994 - Favorite Selections [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1994 - Southwest Suite [192 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1995 - Loon Echo Lake [192 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1995 - The Nature of Canada [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1996 - Favorite Selections II [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1996 - Florida [256 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1996 - Island Paradise [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
1998 - In The Midst Of Angels [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
2000 - Strauss Waltzes [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
2001 - Rolling Thunder [192 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
2003 - Natural Stress Relief II [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
2005 - Rocky Mountain Suite [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson
2006 - Solitudes 25 Silver Anniversary Collection [320 Kbps] - Hennie Bekker & Dan Gibson

Tapestries Series
1995 - Silk & Satin [192 Kbps]
1997 - Sea Odyssey [320 Kbps]
2000 - Lullabies [192 Kbps]

Tranquility Series
1994 - Awakenings [320 Kbps]
1994 - Reverie [320 Kbps]
1995 - Christmas [320 Kbps]
1995 - Classic Moods [320 Kbps]
1996 - Transitions [320 Kbps]
1997 - Romantic Classics [320 Kbps]
1998 - Essence Of Romance [320 Kbps]
1999 - A Time for Romance [320 Kbps]
2001 - After the Rain [320 Kbps]


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